Devil’s Mark – Lark Taylor

devil's mark


Cal and his brothers turned their backs on the family business over a hundred years ago – but Hell is tired of waiting for them to return.


I’ve never wanted a relationship – especially not with a human. With my father demanding my return to Hell and a demon leaving dead bodies in my bookshop, now is not the time to be losing my heart. But one look in Oscar’s broken eyes and I know I’m in trouble. Oscar’s been hurt before and everything in me is screaming to keep him safe. How can I do that when I know being with me will only put him in more danger?

More importantly though, am I strong enough to walk away from him?


After escaping my last relationship with broken bones and an anxiety disorder, I’m tired of living half a life. My world revolves around my classroom, flat, and best friend. When fate throws Cal in my path, he seems too good to be true. Not only does he look like he’s been pulled from my fantasies, but my baggage doesn’t scare him. Ok, so there’s the tiny issue of him being a demon, but I’ve dealt with far scarier.

I’ve been broken once before, and I don’t think I’d survive it again. Can I pull down my barriers enough to let Cal in?

Trigger warning for emotional abuse and domestic violence in a previous relationship, anxiety attacks, and descriptions of violence.

My Thoughts

Oscar has baggage, and Cal has secrets. But something otherworldly draws them to each other, and when Cal’s past threatens to bleed into his present, there is nothing Cal won’t do to keep Oscar safe.

Cal’s father wants to bring his sons back home – the three that left Hell and their positions as the princes, Lucifer’s sons. They want nothing to do with this. And then Cal mets Oscar. Feisty, nerdy Oscar who has been through his own personal hell, and survived. There’s an undeniable connection between the two when they meet, and their connection grows very strong, very fast.

Cal is overprotective, a little possessive, and absolutely smitten with Oscar. Which is exactly what Oscar needs – because Cal builds him up. Cal supports him, but he doesn’t try to control Oscar in any way. They treat each other as equals. They respect each other, and they work together to get through challenges. Even when the threat of mortal danger looms high and mighty.

This book was a solid mix of world building, some backstory, and character development. The plot is clearly one that will be ongoing – Lucifer won’t give up trying to regain control of his sons. But Cal is stronger with Oscar by his side. And there are three more brothers left to find their mates. I’m sure what comes next is bound to be a very wild ride.

~ by Aubrey Smith on June 7, 2024.

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