Going Commando – K.M. Neuhold

going commando


“I never thought I could want anyone as much as I wanted Nash, then I met you”~Royal

“What if I told you, you’d never have to choose?”~Zade

When I was sixteen I was afflicted with a terrible curse…I fell in love with my straight best friend. I never thought I’d move past my feelings for Nash and find someone who could love me in return, until the day a gorgeous marine plopped himself down in my chair and asked me to ink him. I’m falling fast for Zade, but my feelings for Nash are still very real. When life starts getting complicated and Nash speaks the words I never thought I’d hear, the only thing I want is for us to find a way to make this work…together.

**Every book in the Heathens Ink series can be read as a stand-alone, but it’s way more fun to read them in order. This is an MMM romance with lots of sexy fun and a guaranteed HEA

My Thoughts

Royal has always been in love with his presumably straight best friend, Nash. Nash has always been protective of Royal, and cared for him deeply. When Zade enters their lives, neither of them is quite prepared for just how much he’s going to change them, or how important he’s going to be to them.

Zade was in the marines with Thane, and he’s seen his fair share of trauma. As he figures out what life after service looks like for him, he always falls back on that – wanting to help those who have experienced trauma. And while he’s figuring that out, he’s also trying to figure out how to talk Royal and Nash into a relationship – all three of them together in equal parts, especially with Nash’s maybe-not-so-sudden bi-awakening.

It works out rather well, as they communicate opennly and honestly with each other every step of establishing their relationship as a polyamorous triad. They also communicate extremely well as Nash and Zade begin to get to know each other better, and as Nash and Royal begin exploring the romantic and sexual side of their own relationship.

This communication, boundary setting, and honesty also becomes extremely important as they take in Liam – the trans brother Royal didn’t even know he had who is leaving a dangerous situation. The three of them take Liam in, no questions asked, and show him the importance of honest communication, as well as what support and stability can look like.

Royal, Nash, and Zade build something truly wonderful for themselves that continues to flourish and grow. And while their story may have come to an end, I’m really looking forward to seeing what their future will look like as the series goes on.

~ by Aubrey Smith on June 19, 2024.

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