2018 Reading Round-up

Another year, and another reading goal that was not achieved. Which is absolutely more than fine by me!

This year, I spent a lot of time getting my shit together. My mental health vastly improved, my physical health started to improve, and my personal relationships grew stronger as well. I spent a lot of time taking care of myself (which was necessary after a huge breakdown that nearly broke both myself and my partner), and I learned a lot about myself, who I am, and who I want to strive to become. I learned that getting older doesn’t mean staying in a fixed mindset. I grew, and learned, and changed, and I feel like I’m slowly becoming who I’m striving to be.

My reading habits improved this year, as well! My goal was 40 books, and I read 20. Half way, guys! 50% of my goal achieved! I’m ecstatic!! This time two years ago, hell, this time last year, I didn’t think I’d happily pick up a book again. I’d lost my love of reading. I seem to have found it again, and that makes me very happy! You can see all my reviews here, on Goodreads.

This year, I managed to finish a series (The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences, which is a fantastic steampunk adventure!), start two new series, finish a trilogy, and read a little bit of everything. I had fun reading this year!

Of the 20 books I read, I gave 6 of them a 5-star rating on Goodreads. I have a two way tie for my favourite book. First, I loved Every Dead Thing by John Connolly. This is the first book of the Charlie Parker series, and after reading the second book, I know I’m going to enjoy this series for a long time to come!

My second favourite was I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara. This one was a true crime book that seemed to take the world by storm. I loved following this case, and Michelle’s obsession with the GSK, from beginning to end. It was a case I was unfamiliar with, and now I wait on baited breath for updates!

2018 was definitely a year of progress for me. Progress that I intend to continue making as I set myself up for 2019. Again this year, my goal is 40 books. If I make it even a handful over half of that, I’ll be pleased as punch!

Cheers to a happy, safe, and prosperous new year!

All my love, Aubrey.

~ by Aubrey Smith on January 1, 2019.

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